英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 12:05:20
  • 网络解释

1. 去上班:Let's go to school. 我们上学去吧. | go to work 去上班 | go to a lecture 去听讲座

2. 上班:It's time to make dinner. 应该做饭了 | go to work 上班 | I'm working. 我在上班

3. 开始行动, 着手工作:go to sleep 入睡, 睡着 | go to work 开始行动, 着手工作 | grow up 长大成人,成长

4. 去工作;上班:open 开着的;打开的 | go to work 去工作;上班 | do some reading 读点书

  • 情景对话

Quality Control-(品管)

A:We're having some quality-control problems, Jim. We need to go to the source to work them out.

B:What problems are you having, exactly?

A:The complaint rate for our new product line is very high, almost seven percent.

B:That's high.

A:Yes. We keep finding problems when testing the boards.

B:But your promotional materials claim the boards are the least expensive of their type on the market.

A:The least expensive, but still fully functional. And we think that your factory needs to take measures to improve quality control.

go to work

B:That will involve additional expenses for us, which we'll have to pass on to you as a rate hike.

A:I'm afraid that's unacceptable. Your contract says that you will deliver a product with a reject rate of less than five percent.

B:Well, I'll tell you what, Mike. I'll review the contract and talk with management. Then we'll get together and hash this out.

  • 临近词

She left school to go to work as a dress model in the garment company.(她离开学校到服装公司当时装模特儿。)
When food stores close, they go to work, pilfering food for resale on the black market.(食品店关闭后,他们就开始工作,偷取食物到黑市上重新贩售。)
If people could go to work by bus or by bike instead of car or motorbike, it would be helpful in fighting against the problem of SO2.(如果人们可以乘公共汽车或骑自行车去上班,而不是乘汽车或骑摩托车,这将有助于对抗二氧化硫的问题。)
I missed the regular bus, so I had to go to work on foot.(早上没赶上班车,没奈何只好步行去上班。)
Today is Monday. I go to work on Monday.(今天是星期一。我星期一上班。)
It is sensible to go to school or go to work by subway instead of by car in the morning.(早上上学或上班的时候搭地铁而不坐车是明智的。)
How do you go to work every day?(你每天是怎么去上班的?)
I wish I could go to work in a factory, nine to five.(我要是能在一家工厂朝九晚五地上班就好了。)
I go to work on Wednesday.(我星期三上班。)
I used to go to work on foot.(我往常都是步行去上班。)
go to work是什么意思 go to work在线翻译 go to work什么意思 go to work的意思 go to work的翻译 go to work的解释 go to work的发音 go to work的同义词